Saturday, June 8, 2013


Case in point
So upon looking at this blank page for going on 10 minutes and wondering where I'm going to go with this, I think we're finally at that terminus we knew would come eventually.  The day when posts to FTF become ridiculously infrequent because the job isn't new anymore.  Well, I often said I enjoy the predictability of the refrigerated fleet, and now its showing here.  I hit 100k with Sheila 2.0, and since snapping that I'm at 110k now.  This of course doesn't include the 75k-ish I clocked on Sheila 1.0 from January to July of last year. Well here are the most recent things going on.

So a driver vehicle inspection report (DVIR) is an email I have to send in at the end of each day to verify that I found nothing wrong with Sheila or any of the trailers I used.  It includes the date, Sheila's number, and all the trailers we had.  Usually I have no more than 3 trailers in a day, but sometimes I'll go a week with the same one.

Well, the planets were oddly aligned on 5/25, because not only did I have more trailers than I ever had before, as I punched in the numbers I saw something rather creepy.
(All company reefer trailers follow a 20xxx pattern, so that's not part of the oddity)