Sunday, June 10, 2012

Six figures. Twice

That's the milestone Sheila will reach later today, at least.  200,000 miles.  Though it will be 45,800 with me behind the wheel.  Not too bad, considering I got my keys just shy of 5 months ago.  I haven't counted up the paid miles, though I'm sure its significantly fewer.  That's the trick to reaching 125,000 PAID solo miles.  That's the zip code to zip code formula.  Which in the case of picking up cranberries in Philly and dropping them off at the Bensalem yard, it works in my favor.  Z-Z it pays me 14 miles.  Physically its 2.3 miles around the block.  #winning.  On the flip side, whatever my final assignment ending point is + x miles to home time doesn't count.  Those miles aren't on my own dime, but they are on my own time.

Though I don't know my paid miles off the top of my head, my pay stub brought a startling realization this week.  My YTD gross surpassed the maximum potential of my perpetually part time job I held dear for so long.  Considering it was marked June 5th, that's pretty damn good.

Today my delivery takes me to a town I've seen on the map and on signs but never passed through.  Every time I do I think "Okay, there has to be a story there".  The unincorporated town on the outskirts of Pittsburgh- Eighty Four, Pennsylvania.  Much to my dismay, the story is pretty boring.  Its just the HQ of the 84 Lumber Company.  Much like the [former] industrial center of Gary, IN is named for the founder of US Steel, Elbert Gary.  My drop is on Eighty Four Drive, but its not at number 84.  Which is good, because there is probably a black hole behind that mailbox.

Anyway that's later this afternoon.  I shut down here last night but am only 2 hours out, and if I have to spend 18 hours anywhere, an Ohio Turnpike plaza is the place to do it.  Panera, KFC, Pizza Hut, BK, Starbucks, and free wifi.  All they need is a Dunks and a Cold Stone and they'd be all set.  I dragged my laptop in to do a bit of modeling but here I am of course, doing the important stuff.

The tricky part will be traversing through Pittsburgh for an inner-city pickup at 0700 tomorrow.  You'll probably find me rolling VERY early for that one.  What time of day is it easiest to do a ghetto run?

Dad and Unlce Dennis will be happy to know 20554 is behaving mostly fine, except for the ABS light showing its ugly face in stop and go traffic.  Oh wait, all our reefers do that.  nvm lol.  With the normal record of drop and hooks all the time I was sure I would have ditched this one by now, but here I am 8 days later and she's still following me.  As long as the shoes don't rust on me overnight we'll be good.  Given this is real life and not Far Cry 2, that shouldn't be a problem.

For pretty much everybody here clueless,  Far Cry 2 is a shooter where you go through the jungles in Africa and the designers at Ubisoft thought it would be realistic to have an MP5 or AK47 go from factory operating condition to rusty as an old shovel in 15 minutes.  No, literally 15 minutes.  I'm no chemist, but I'm calling bullshit.  And I think they know full well because they actually have a multiplayer map called "Rust".


  1. Pittsburgh is a nightmare to drive in, Good luck.

  2. That's good she is still slowing you down as needed. Hey if she behaves why not keep her?? UD

  3. I always wondered why there was a town called "eight four" too. Stupid reason. If you drive in to Pittsburgh through the tunnels it's an awesome sight when you get to the other side and see the city all in front of you. Remember when I was looking at colleges and we were driving around trying to find a hotel and we found one that looked like a homeless shelter? Good times.

