Saturday, May 19, 2012

Still Alive

Gators gonna gait...
You knew that title was coming after a month and a half with no updates, didn’t you?  Let’s see, where was I since 3/26?  Tell ya where I haven’t been- NJ.  Back in for the weekend, but the last 2 times I managed to get home I got up north to MA.  1 hiccup in the chain of command and suddenly I get an assignment from Madison to San Antonio on a Wednesday.  “Well, guess I won’t be home for the weekend…”

Yea, somebody misplaced the memo apparently; the best thing that came of it was seeing The Avengers opening night, which kicks ass, btw.  Despite ending up getting a Monday-Thursday off that was a nice change of pace from the constant east-west runs on I-80, or the errand boy trips from Green Bay to Madison and back.  The pain was the reminder of just how old an invention ice cream is that being eons older than the standardization of the 53’ container.  Thus, access to these facilities are a little… ehh.

I enjoy seeing this in the plans
Blocking a 3-lane road with a 50mph limit (with assistance) was a very satisfying experience.  That is, only after approaching the wrong way up said one way street from a block down, because otherwise it would be a blindside.  Still, they don’t seem to be sending me to the nightmare places quite as much as they used to.  Google Street View is an invaluable asset in planning ahead.

I managed to save up a few bucks to get myself a mobile workstation, namely an ASUS G53S.  Beats the hell out of my rig about 3 fold, but doesn’t look half as good doing so.  I started working on a new model during a 14 hour layover at Vince Lombardi service plaza in NJ.  Finished that day with 25 seconds left on my 70.  Weekend coverage was all “Why the hell did you cut it so close?”  I’m all “I didn’t, ran the numbers and it equaled over 90 minutes of leeway” The one thing I had forgotten in planning this run from Hartford to Newark is that I-95 in CT, no matter what time of day, what day of the week, always manages to get unprovoked pockets of congestion, despite there being no significant interchanges or choke points for miles around.   

Faux News isn't the only place to get political commentary

What there IS a significant amount of is lack of overnight truck parking on I-95.  There is a Pilot in Milford, CT and heading south after that its 65 miles to VL Plaza, the northernmost one on the NJ Pike.  That’s pretty much it.  I reached the point of do or die in Milford, the numbers still looked good, so I made the call to keep going.  A few miles later CT said NOPE FU MATTI WELCOME BACK HAHA LOL LETS DO SOME RANDOM STOP N GO EVERY 8 MILES.   Ironically, I hardly stepped on the brakes the whole approach to the GWB, and had my foot on the floor after passing it.  It wasn’t just the numbers, the big reason I didn’t want to call it in CT is because I would have to traverse the GWB AND the NJ Pike early Sunday morning instead of 1300 like it was at the time on Saturday.  Weekend or not I don’t like doing cities unless it’s either before the sun comes up, or after noon.

The real kick in the ass is that dispatch receives my total hours in increments of 15 minutes from Sheila’s computer.  This is because their computers are built on the paper log foundation, which also logs in 15 minute increments.  Enter Qualcomm and Windows Truck PC, who wonderfully log with increments of FIVE SECONDS.   Biiiiiiiig difference between 15 minutes of play and 5 seconds.  They’ll never see increments of less than 15 minutes on their end, but they WILL see the red flag that goes off at 70:00:05
Despite all the zero tolerance, do I miss doing paper logs like we had to in training? 

Spinners next time?
Product plugs!  This has been a long time coming, but a whole bunch have stacked up recently and I’ll be using for a while.

I’d like to thank uncle Don for recommending Nevr-Dull, taking care of the wheels and fuel tank crap.  Effortlessly dissolves all the mess into a fine greasy film that needs a whole bed sheet and a lot of elbow grease to get 3 square inches to a mirror shine.  But DAMN does it look good.

Don't know how high 13'6" is until you reach for it

Second is Dad for picking up Meguiar's Ultimate Compound for Sheila’s sunburn.  Sitting in a parking lot for 2 years paint oxidation runs pretty mean especially on fiberglass.  Works great with minimal effort, the biggest drawback is that its literally like applying a 5oz bottle of sunscreen to an elephant using only a napkin.  I’ve done all I can reach from the ground and steps, will need a pretty serious setup and a whole day to hit the roof.

Lastly, Prestone Bug Wash.  $1.89 a gallon at Wal-Mart and its clearly marked “Skin irritant avoid contact” Not “avoid prolonged exposure”, straight up do not touch.  That’s how you know it’s good.  It’s made to be used undiluted as windshield washer fluid, but I need to take it a step further.  In comes my multi-purpose pesticide spray bottle and she’s good to reach the mirrors, the visor, grille, headlights, everywhere those pesky bugs like to stick to.  I use that just before I drive through the auto wash bay in Gary and it works *almost* perfectly.

I’ll update as things progress, for now know that I’m hanging in there, having fun when I can, and in retrospect, making bank doing so.


  1. Some fine photo's you have there Matti.Glad to see your having some good runs mixed into those sucky ones they stick you with. Enjoy those bugs I remember many years ago running thru Texas and getting into the Locust's and having them bake on. Safe travels. U Den

  2. Looks like you had a good stretch of sunny wx this time off. I have been asked what happened to your blog haven't seen it in awhile. Glad to see you got a few good runs in this time around. Sheila is looking better we'll have to rig up some staging from Joe to get over the top. see you in a few weeks Dad
