Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Virginia Blues

Well, I say Virginia Blues because the only snag so far today was here in VA when we stopped to fuel.  Hate it when the guy in front of you at the pump is taking his sweet time in the store?  So do we. And its tough to turn around and go to another one when you're 70 feet long. That tacked 15 minutes onto the day, but we've got plenty of time.  How much you ask?  Like 20 hours before appointment time.  Thats AFTER we arrive tonight.  Hopefully they'll be nice enough to fit us in a little early tomorrow.

I clocked in 287 miles at just over 5 hours this morning, I cruised along through PA and after kicking back over to I-95 I drove on the infamous I-495 around DC.  Lucky for us it was about 10am so it was all cake.  Set a good precedence so next time I get stuck in traffic there like the rest of the world at least I'll have perspective.  Kind of like driving on 128 at midnight. 

While I was doing that we ran across some squalls that knocked visibility to about 1/2 a mile.  Being cold as balls like it was dry and it blew right off everything.  No word on were we'll be heading after SC, though I dont care much as long as I'm gettting paid by the day so it doesn't matter if we're moving or not.  It would be nice to get back to Gary and get my own ride but I'm afraid I'll be bored as hell after I do.

Now we just got back from the first Wal-mart run of the trip, and we're all stocked up for the week.  Also got some special stuff this time, I picked up season 4 of The Big Bang Theory.  John got season 5, and also season 2 of Justified, which I had never seen but it looks pretty boss.

Thanks for the gift card Nana, its going to be a great week now!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I hear that the loop around DC is brutal.-Sara
